Certification & Testing Center & GED®


certification and testing center logoThe mission of the Certification & Testing Center at Tacoma Community College is to 为校园和社区提供专业的测试环境,使之成为可能 考试考生以完成他们的教育并获得学位或证书 根据国家大学考试协会(NCTA)专业完成 Standards and Guidelines.

Are you inquiring about becoming a student at TCC?

Assessment Center Testing is in Bldg. 7

Open to the Community and General Public

澳门威尼斯人在线赌场提供一个舒适的测试环境,在最先进的设备和品牌 new computers! 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场有你下一步教育所需的一切 or career.

You will be required to have a parking pass to park on campus. Please email tcenter@fitgreenlife.com to request a temporary parking pass and to receive a campus map.

GED Test

All GED tests are computer based. Register and make an appointment 或致电1-877-392-6433,通过Pearson Vue获取计算机测试信息.

Already completed the GED and need a transcript? Request a Transcript

Certification & Testing Center

All testing done by appointment only. We are not responsible for overnighting exams.

Prepare materials:

  • 参加监考考试的考生应与认证机构联系 & Testing Center 在预定的测试日期之前提供测试所需的材料.
  • 监考费只能在预约时以汇票支付. 监控费适用于以下方面:非tcc学生参加在线课程的费用为40美元 at other colleges/universities.

Testing Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8am to 3:45pm

Closed Friday-Sunday

注意:如果当天所有预约都已完成,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场可能会提前关门. All tests are by appointment only.

Be prepared when you arrive!

  • Expired ID’s are NOT accepted
  • 如果需要启动测试,请携带用户名和密码
  • 带上考试时需要出示的任何证书
  • 为了方便办理登机手续,请提前半小时到达,因为可能会迟到 need to be rescheduled
  • Studying time should be completed by your arrival time
  • 为个人物品提供储物柜(见以下允许/不允许的物品清单) allowed in the test center)

Certification & Testing Center Policies and Procedures

All candidates must provide valid ID to test.

Items Not Allowed in the Test Center:

(为考生提供储物柜存放个人物品和所有物品 on the following list.)

  • Hats or headgear. 考生考试前须由监考人员检查宗教头饰 is permitted to enter the test room.
  • Cell phones
  • All electronic devices
  • Watches and fitbits
  • Wallets
  • Keys
  • Purses
  • Backpacks
  • Gum, candy and any other food or beverage item
  • Mechanical or personal writing instruments
  • 监考指导表上注明的其他不允许填写的项目
  • 这些规则允许澳门威尼斯人在线赌场遵守澳门威尼斯人在线赌场所拥有的测试公司合同 signed and agreed to as certified proctors. We offer the same level of service to all test candidates. 

Advance your career through professional certification

 We are an authorized testing center for:

PSI, including TEAS
True Talent

Basics about the GED®

 And commonly asked questions


Contact Us

Beth Zillmer, Test Center Administrator

Location: Bldg. 6